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Where and how we work has and will continue to define us both as individuals and as societies.  In agrarian societies where ever the land was fertile, people farmed and built their lives. In industrialization societies the urban setting is where people flocked to and restructured their lives. Where there is available work, people follow.

With the advent and growth of the internet our working world continues to expand. No longer are we solely tied to a farm or to a business park, now the entire globe is a place of possibilities of where we can work and build our lives. A place to work, play, explore and discover and be inspired to move forward… to move ahead.

While less restrictions of where (and possibly how) we do our jobs can bring new and exciting possibilities, there are always trade offs to be made in braving a new frontier. In taking a new path, we need to be aware of the challenges and/or limitations that come our way. Here at we want to explore this new frontier of where we work, looking at the positive and the negatives. The advantages, the potholes, the pitfalls, all these we want to discuss, evaluate and learn from. 


Become Part of the Movement

If you would like to join please complete the form.  We are not 100% where this will take us but we are starting.