How to plan your working holidays?

How to plan your working holidays?

Working from the exotic beaches of Seychelles has quite a ring to it and it is perhaps the first thing that pops in your mind when you explore the idea of a working holiday. We can’t really blame you for thinking that way. Working from Anywhere in different countries will also depend on the country you are from because the Visa will be tied to the passport you have. 

5 Tips To Be Productive, Anywhere

5 Tips To Be Productive, Anywhere

Work and life is a balancing act and in the Anywhere Works scenario, it’s harder to separate the two. An imbalance could mean burnout or productivity loss. Anywhere Works is in its element when you can be at your productive best, all things considered. Here are 5 key tips that will lay your remote working ( or as we call it - Anywhere Works) apprehensions to rest and help achieve your productivity goals with ease.

Guide for Leaders managing Remote Teams

Guide for Leaders managing Remote Teams

A lot of Managers have apprehensions and concerns about where to start. But with the right approach and the right mix of people, you can lead your remote community to learn better, scale and make the impossible possible. The key to having a vibrant and self-sustaining remote team is to recruit people who are in line with your goals and resonate with your vision. Start by approaching communities where people from Anywhere interact.

In control of the Noise: Ways to make remote jobs work

In control of the Noise: Ways to make remote jobs work

Be it pulling a Matt Damon on Mars harvesting potatoes or a Sandra Bullock trying to get her way back home, telecommuters face challenges they have to resolve, using some quick thinking and a good presence of mind. Some of them have gone a step further to share how they were able to silence the noises around remote working and establish rules that make this style of employment not just fancy, but sustainable.